There might be some more hope for Borderlands 2 coming to PS Vita, more details inside.........
The image above shows Randy Pitchford meeting with Sony execs regarding Borderlands 2 coming to PS Vita.
Randy Pitchford, company CEO has again expressed his desire to have a Borderlands 2 game on the Vita, but has now formally requested Sony for assistance in making his happen. Surprisingly, he has stated that he is even willing for Sony to develop the game with his blessing, since he currently ‘has no time’ to handle the project himself with so many commitments to fulfill regarding the console and PC versions.
Even more exciting for Vita owners, is that Pitchford is also willing to explore the possibilities of cross-platform play with the PS3 version, in a scenario where Vita owners could pick up and play from a PS3 cloud save. We’ve seen in the past though so many times that handing the franchise off to another developer doesn’t always pay dividends for the original company.
Do you want a port of a PS3 game like Borderlands 2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!