Following Sony's short press conference in London, some brand new screenshots for Uncharted: Golden Abyss have been released which clearly prove its visual prowess...........
Also keep in mind that these screenshots are substantially larger than the Playstation Vita's screen so some blurry textures and jaggy edges will not be visible on the PS Vita's smaller more crisp screen.

Currently the game seems to support a much darker art style compared to the other Uncharted games, as lighting is not a bright as its console counterparts.
Also to get a better indication of what the game will look like on the actually PS Vita screen try zooming out a bit on your web browser.
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So then what do you think of these new screenshots? Do you like the slightly darker art style? Or would you prefer the 'bluey' type art style that featured in Uncharted 3? Remember to let us know in the comment section below!