PS VITA Has A Super Accurate Touchscreen And Trackpad

SCE Support engineer Chris Norden has stated some very interesting information regarding the touchscreen and back trackpad. Be sure to check it out.

Unless you have been living under a rock you will know that the PS VITA has a touchscreen along with a rear trackpad. But there has not been any information on how accurate the touch screens are, but now Chris Norden has some more details.
The front and rear touch panels are "higher resolution than the screen itself." Theoretically, you could get sub-pixel precision from the touch input,
If you don't exactly know what resolution does in regard to touch screens, don't fear we shall explain. The higher the resolution is on a touchscreen the more precision you will get. So basically the rear trackpad and the front touchscreen are VERY accurate.

What do you think of the touchscreens and trackpads? are they just one big gimmick? or can they be used in a great way? be sure to leave your opinion in the comment section below!

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