Play PS3 Games On PS VITA Using An Enhanced Version Of Remote Play

Many were amazed at the Wii U's ability to stream games, well PS VITA can do the exact same thing, but with some problems

President of Sony Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida along with a number of other Sony executives, spoke on the Vita and various Vita games in the wake of the official press event yesterday which included Killzone 3.

KILLZONE 3 was running kinda smoothly during the on-stage demo

Yoshida demonstrated a live Remote Play session where PlayStation 3 content was played remotely on the PlayStation Vita. Besides two brief hitches during the gameplay session, Killzone 3 ran smoothly on Sony's upcoming handheld. The touchscreen was used to supplement the Vita's lack of two additional trigger buttons. Touching the right side of the rear screen aimed down the weapon's sight, and touching the left side of the rear screen while moving caused Yoshida's character to sprint forward.

However don't jump to conclusions, the technology will not be as advanced as the Wii U, mainly because the remote play feature works using a Wi-Fi connection, and even during the on-stage demo there was a bit of latency. Because we all know how bad Wi-Fi can be sometimes.

Imagine playing COD 4 on the PS VITA....OMG

Per contra it is still playable. But you may experience some difficulties sometimes.

Also this does confirm that Uncharted 2, Call of Duty, Battlefield 3, GTA 4 are sorta confirmed for the PS VITA :D

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