Hideo Kojima Is Totally Behind The PS Vita

Hideo Kojima, Creator the the Metal Gear Franchise has recently sat down with the Playstation team and has said some words regarding Sony's handheld the PS Vita.

“The PS Vita has cutting-edge technology and it’s the best there is – especially with integration with the PS3 – and I am very pleased I   
can offer it to users.”

Kojima has already shown support for the PS Vita as he revealed a tech demo to the media, the tech demo showed the PS Vita running the high end PS3 game Metal Gear Solid 4.

What does all this mean? well basically there is quite a big chance that you will see a MGS game on the PS Vita, however whether we will see a port of an MGS game or a brand new MGS game ie "Peace Walker" is unknown.

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